Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Healthy Chocolate Mylk?

As a busy mother of four young children, I'm always trying to find creative ways of sneaking nutrition into my kids everday foods. Cacao is one of those wonderful ingredients that is so delicious and flavorful, that you can add just about anything to it and no one is the wiser.

For example, my sweet daughter, shown here, is enjoying a simple glass of chocolate mylk - but it's so much more than that. I'll share my secret with you, but only if you don't tell my children...

Nutritious and Purely Delicious
Chocolate Mylk

2 1/2 C Brazil nut mylk (about 6 Brazil nuts, 2 1/2 C water, 2 dates - blended well and strained)
2" piece of vanilla bean ( has the best pricing on these!)
2-3 T of raw cacao powder, or carob if you prefer
2-3 T raw honey or agave nectar
2 tsp. hemp butter
2 C fresh spinach leaves
pinch of sea salt

Blend everything together in a Vitamix or other high-powered blender. Pour over ice or add some ice to blender before processing.

Whatever you do, don't let them see you making this - they'll never know it's good for them!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Winter issue of Purely Delicious - finally out!

Well, the winter issue is finally going out. It' s been a long process, but I think it's our best one yet. I can't believe our one-year anniversary is in just a few months. Where has the time gone? We're making some wonderful changes and improvements to the magazine and are celebrating those changes with the spring 2008 issue - should be sometime in early March.

I've also asked Tonya Cole Lightfoot of Canada to join me as Senior Editor. She will also be helping with advertising sales and distribution. I'm very excited about the talents she will bring to Purely Delicious.

In the midst of all this excitement, I have to share a recipe that is going in the winter edition. I made this for myself first in order to have it photographed. Then shortly after, realized I needed to make much more of it for my family to enjoy when my three year-old daughter ending up eating more than I did. The flavors are simple and refreshing. Enjoy!

Celery Salad, published in the winter issue of Purely Delicious magazine

recipe generously provided by Elaina Love

7 stems celery, very thinly sliced on mandoline
1½ radishes, halved and very thinly sliced
1 granny smith apple, julienned very thinly
1/2 small red onion, minced
¼ tsp. dried sage
1 tsp. minced rosemary
1/2-1 tsp. Himalayan salt
3 tsp. lemon juice
2-4 Tbs. olive oil pinch of kelp powder

Mix everything together and taste for salt and lemon flavors. Store in a glass container for 1 week.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Celebrating the New Year!

As challenging as the end of last year was, 2008 holds just as much promise and excitement in the months to come. The magazine is growing, friendships are forming, new ideas are streaming in with near lightening speed, and there are so many absolutely delicious raw recipes out there to explore!

One dish in particular that we discovered during the holidays was Ani Phyo's Dreaming of Donut Holes. We served it at parties, gave it away as Christmas gifts and kept a constant flow of them going in and out of the refrigerator for the past two months. They are simply and purely delicious! This easy-to-make recipe appeals to everyone, has affordable and easy to obtain ingredients, and has a most unique and creative flavor that doesn't taste "raw", if you know what I mean.



Dreaming of Donut Holes
Book: Ani's Raw Food Kitchen, by Ani Phyo

Watch Ani making these little wonders...